About Overthrowing Stories
Hey everyone, I’m Jacqueline Marie!
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m on a journey to reconnect with my feminine side.
For most of my life, I saw myself as the tomboy—the girl in sweatpants playing softball, hiding behind a tough exterior. Deep down, though, I longed to feel beautiful, to dance, to embrace a softer, more feminine side of myself. But self-doubt and fear of humiliation kept me from trying. Later, when I did take the plunge—losing weight, dressing up, putting myself out there—it only led to heartbreak, embarrassment, and regret.
So, I did what was easiest: I turned to faith and convinced myself that true holiness meant denying personal desires altogether. If I wasn’t meant to have love or happiness, I’d devote myself entirely to God’s mission. For years, I immersed myself in studying the Bible—reading it cover to cover every three months. And in all that reading, one message kept coming back: Transformation begins with the renewing of your mind.
And that’s exactly what started happening.
Something inside me changed. The feminine side I had ignored for so long—the part of me that loved beauty, softness, and creativity—started to wake up. At first, I resisted, believing it was unholy. But over time, I came to see that God created masculinity and femininity for a reason—something far deeper than I had ever realized.
Now, in my forties, I feel like an old dog learning new tricks. I’m rediscovering what it means to be feminine in a way that feels authentic to me. And while my daily life as a full-time caregiver for my grandmother and our cat keeps me busy, I dream of stepping into a more creative, fulfilling life. One filled with cozy cups of hot chocolate, stacks of books to get lost in, and maybe even a magical trip to Disney World—because I still believe in wonder, adventure, and happily-ever-afters.
That’s why I started Overthrowing Stories—because I know I’m not the only one who has struggled with self-worth, identity, and what it truly means to embrace being a woman. If any of this resonates with you, welcome.
Thanks for stopping by—I hope you have a wonderful day!
💛 Jacqueline Marie